Building Mandir and Cultural Centre is no small task and demands un-ending commitment, tireless dedication and an enormous investment of time, money, expertise and knowledge.
Please visit on the UK Charities commission website in case you need more details on this charity and its annual reports
We believe volunteers are most important and valuable resource in both our faith and community work. While the management committee provide overall leadership and strategic long-term oversight for the Trust, the day-to-day activities of the Charity are mainly managed and run by teams of enthusiastic volunteers (organised as various committees, councils and working groups most tasks including for Badminton Tournament, Cricket Tournament, Ganesh Utsav, Dandia Utsav, Satyanarayan Pooja, Sita Rama Kalyanam etc.), who strongly believe in the cause and offer full support to the Trust.
There are several aspects/areas which are fully supported by the volunteers:
- Membership
- Website, Social Media
- Communication
- Public Relations
- Liaising with Local Government & officials
- Dealings with HMRC and other govt. bodies
- Bhajan singers, musicians, equipment
- Dates, diaries, venues
- Setting up venue
- Clearing & cleaning up the venue after the event
- Setting up PA system & equipment
- Managing Parking
- Decoration of the venues
- Organising priests and co-ordination
- Preeti bhoj meals (logistics, cooking, coordination).
The volunteers not only support the activities of the Trust but are also involved in similar voluntary contributions in other community organisations and the wider community in Borough of Bromley in general.
The Trust formally records its immense gratitude and thanks to all 100+ volunteers for devoting their time, efforts and support for the activities of the Trust.
- Volunteering Opportunities list is here - sign-up if you can help
- If you like to be notified by us for new Volunteer Opportunities please provide us your detail here.
The Trust aims to ensure that the team is diverse, reflects the communities it serves, and has the range of skills, experience and up-to-date knowledge it needs to fulfil its role. The Trust recognises the need to strike a balance between the continuity of its experienced and established members and the fresh perspective a newly appointed member may bring. Therefore we are constantly on the lookout to on-board committed members of community who can help - please get in touch.
All members give their time, skills and services freely and receive no remuneration or financial benefits.
Vipin Sharma | Vandana Gandham | Ankita Mishra |
Vimal Kumar | Sunil Gandham | Radha Tripathi |
Gautam Agrawal | Pavan Haldia | Amit Tripathi |
Bhisham Dindyal |
Bala Telikepalli | Dr. Sapna Ahuja | Sanyam Agrawal |
The statutory trustees of Bromley Temple Trust are Bala Telikepalli, Radha Tripathi, and Sanyam Agrawal. Many of the above have been part of the team working on the initiative since 2012 (i.e. inception of this organisation). They are all professionals in full-time work, with a high degree of commitment to this initiative and integrity in all aspects of their social and personal lives.
The above with the help of dedicated teams of various working groups, have the capability and are qualified to undertake the task of managing the funding and the construction of a complex of religious and educational setup which would be part of the Bromley Temple buildings.
Further details to be added/updated on the rest of the team ... please bear us while we work to bring these online.